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Getting There

Ragged Point - 19019 CA-1, Ragged Point, CA 93452

Coming from the Bay Area  


There are 2 options when traveling from the Bay Area, highway 101 and highway 1; we recommend highway 101. This is due to construction, windy roads, and occasional traffic on highway 1. If you do like the scenic route, highway 1 is great, but also dangerous. There is no cell service and the roads can cause car sickness. Please contact us if you have any questions. 

Coming from Southern California -


There are 2 ways to Ragged Point from Southern Califorina,  dependent on where you are coming from. We highly recommend taking Highway 5. HIghway 1 is the scenic route, but can be dangerous because of contruction, windy roads and occasional traffic. Please call us if you have any questions or would like our help to arrange carpooling. 

Flying There - 
The closest airport to Ragged Point is located in San Luis Obispo. Round trip flights range from $200-$300 from Los Angeles and San Francisco. They also fly out of Phoenix. From San Luis Obispo, it is about an hour drive to Ragged Point. If you plan to join us through this option, please let us know, so we can arrange carpooling. Here is more information on the airport:
Other main airports are San Jose and Oakland. The drive from there is approximately 3-4 hours. 

© 2016 by Kevin & Kamelia. Better Not Copy this!

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